Thursday, February 3, 2011

Questions for Dave - Graphics

1. Can we use graphics with anti-aliasing on the edges? 24-bit PNGS can have multiple levels of transparency in them, but I didn't see this in any of the examples at If we could do this it would eliminate the need for choosing a background color on the sprite sheet as the transparency information would already be in the file.

2. Is it possible for us to change the RBG values of our sprites through script for screen fading and other effects?

3. Could we use custom fonts we draw on the sprite sheet for the score/time etc?


  1. Are you asking me, Dan?

    1. I'm not sure. Please email me ( an example and I'll experiment with it.

    2. No, our sprite handling code doesn't support that.

    3. Yes, if the custom font is, essentially, a set of sprites. You'll need to draw out each character in the font that is needed in the game. The fonts should be drawn at the size they will appear on the screen; they can't be easily and attractively scaled (unlike most modern vector based fonts).

  2. OK, I've got an answer to #1: Yes. I found two PNGs with varying degrees of transparency and they work fine in our programming environment. So go ahead and take that approach if it works well for you.
